Source code for clustering_metrics.monte_carlo.predictions

import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
import random
import sys
import logging
import scipy
from itertools import product, izip, chain, cycle
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from pymaptools.iter import izip_with_cycles, isiterable, take
from pymaptools.containers import labels_to_clusters, clusters_to_labels
from pymaptools.sample import discrete_sample, freqs2probas, randround
from import GzipFileType, PathArgumentParser, write_json_line, read_json_lines, ndjson2col
from pymaptools.benchmark import PMTimer

from clustering_metrics.monte_carlo import utils
from clustering_metrics.fent import minmaxr
from clustering_metrics.utils import _div
from clustering_metrics.metrics import ClusteringMetrics, ConfusionMatrix2
from clustering_metrics.ranking import dist_auc
from clustering_metrics.skutils import auc

[docs]def parse_args(args=None): parser = PathArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--logging', type=str, default='WARN', help="Logging level", choices=[key for key in logging._levelNames.keys() if isinstance(key, str)]) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() p_mapper = subparsers.add_parser('mapper') p_mapper.add_argument('--h0_err', type=float, default=1.0, help='H0 error rate') p_mapper.add_argument('--h1_err', type=float, default=0.5, help='H1 error rate') p_mapper.add_argument('--population_size', type=int, default=2000, help='population size') p_mapper.add_argument('--sim_size', type=int, default=1000, help='Simulation size') p_mapper.add_argument('--nclusters', type=int, default=20, help='number of clusters to generate') p_mapper.add_argument('--join_negatives', type=int, default=0, help='whether to join negatives (if split_join<0)') p_mapper.add_argument('--split_join', type=int, default=0, help='number of splits (if positive) or joins (if negative) to perform') p_mapper.add_argument('--sampling_warnings', type=int, default=0, help='if true, show sampling warnings') p_mapper.add_argument('--output', type=GzipFileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Output file') p_mapper.add_argument('--metrics', type=str, required=True, nargs='*', help='Which metrics to compute') p_mapper.set_defaults(func=do_mapper) p_reducer = subparsers.add_parser('reducer') p_reducer.add_argument( '--group_by', type=str, default=None, help='Field to group by') p_reducer.add_argument( '--x_axis', type=str, default=None, help='Which column to plot as X axis') p_reducer.add_argument( '--metrics', type=str, required=True, nargs='*', help='Which metrics to compute') p_reducer.add_argument( '--input', type=GzipFileType('r'), default=sys.stdin, help='File input') p_reducer.add_argument( '--output', type=str, metavar='DIR', help='Output directory') p_reducer.add_argument( '--fig_title', type=str, default=None, help='Title (for figures generated)') p_reducer.add_argument( '--fig_format', type=str, default='svg', help='Figure format') p_reducer.add_argument( '--legend_loc', type=str, default='lower left', help='legend location') p_reducer.set_defaults(func=do_reducer) namespace = parser.parse_args(args) return namespace
[docs]def do_mapper(args): params = dict( n=args.sim_size, nclusters=args.nclusters, split_join=args.split_join, join_negatives=bool(args.join_negatives), population_size=args.population_size, with_warnings=args.sampling_warnings, ) h0 = Grid.with_sim_clusters(p_err=args.h0_err, **params) h1 = Grid.with_sim_clusters(p_err=args.h1_err, **params) with PMTimer() as timer: results =, args.metrics) for result in results: result.update(timer.to_dict()) result.update(utils.serialize_args(args)) write_json_line(args.output, result)
[docs]def auc_xscaled(xs, ys): """AUC score scaled to fill x interval """ xmin, xmax = minmaxr(xs) denom = float(xmax - xmin) xs_corr = [(x - xmin) / denom for x in xs] return auc(xs_corr, ys)
[docs]def create_plots(args, df): import jinja2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from palettable import colorbrewer from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties fontP = FontProperties() fontP.set_size('xx-small') #groups = df.set_index(args.x_axis).groupby([args.group_by]) groups = df.groupby([args.group_by]) metrics = list(set(args.metrics) & set(df.keys())) colors = take(len(metrics), cycle(chain( colorbrewer.qualitative.Dark2_8.mpl_colors, colorbrewer.qualitative.Set2_8.mpl_colors, ))) template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(args.output, '..')) template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=template_loader) template_interactive = template_env.get_template('template_fig_interactive.html') template_static = template_env.get_template('template_fig_static.html') table_interactive = [] table_static = [] for group_name, group in groups: # always sort by X values group = group.sort([args.x_axis]) if args.fig_title is None: fig_title = '%s=%s' % (args.group_by, group_name) else: fig_title = args.fig_title # compute AUC scores ys = [] for metric, color in zip(metrics, colors): series = group[metric] score = auc_xscaled(group[args.x_axis].values, series.values) label = "%s (%.4f)" % (metric, score) ys.append((score, metric, label, color)) ys.sort(reverse=True) lbls_old, lbls_new, colors = zip(*ys)[1:4] group = group[[args.x_axis] + list(lbls_old)] \ .set_index(args.x_axis) \ .rename(columns=dict(zip(lbls_old, lbls_new))) # create plots fig, ax = plt.subplots() group.plot(ax=ax, title=fig_title, color=list(colors)) ax.set_xlim(*minmaxr(group.index.values)) ax.set_ylim(0.4, 1.0) ax.legend(loc=args.legend_loc, prop=fontP) fig_name = 'fig-%s.%s' % (group_name, args.fig_format) fig_path = os.path.join(args.output, fig_name) csv_name = 'fig-%s.csv' % group_name csv_path = os.path.join(args.output, csv_name) group.to_csv(csv_path) table_interactive.append(( csv_name, args.x_axis, "%s=%s" % (args.group_by, group_name), )) table_static.append(fig_name) fig.savefig(fig_path, format=args.fig_format) plt.close(fig) with open(os.path.join(args.output, 'fig_interactive.html'), 'w') as fh: fh.write(template_interactive.render(table=table_interactive)) with open(os.path.join(args.output, 'fig_static.html'), 'w') as fh: fh.write(template_static.render(table=table_static))
[docs]def do_reducer(args): import pandas as pd obj = ndjson2col(read_json_lines(args.input)) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(obj) csv_path = os.path.join(args.output, "summary.csv")"Writing brief summary to %s", csv_path) df.to_csv(csv_path) create_plots(args, df)
[docs]def run(args): logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.logging)) args.func(args)
[docs]def get_conf(obj): try: return obj.pairwise except AttributeError: return obj
[docs]def sample_with_error(label, error_distribution, null_distribution): """Return label given error probability and null distributions error_distribution must be of form {False: 1.0 - p_err, True: p_err} """ if discrete_sample(error_distribution): # to generate error properly, draw from null distribution return discrete_sample(null_distribution) else: # no error: append actual class label return label
[docs]def relabel_negatives(clusters): """Place each negative label in its own class """ idx = -1 relabeled = [] for cluster in clusters: relabeled_cluster = [] for class_label in cluster: if class_label <= 0: class_label = idx relabeled_cluster.append(class_label) idx -= 1 relabeled.append(relabeled_cluster) return relabeled
[docs]def join_clusters(clusters): """Reduce number of clusters 2x by joining """ even = clusters[0::2] odd = clusters[1::2] if len(even) < len(odd): even.append([]) elif len(even) > len(odd): odd.append([]) assert len(even) == len(odd) result = [] for c1, c2 in izip(even, odd): result.append(c1 + c2) return result
[docs]def split_clusters(clusters): """Increase number of clusters 2x by splitting """ result = [] for cluster in clusters: even = cluster[0::2] odd = cluster[1::2] assert len(even) + len(odd) == len(cluster) if even: result.append(even) if odd: result.append(odd) return result
[docs]def simulate_clustering(galpha=2, gbeta=10, nclusters=20, pos_ratio=0.2, p_err=0.05, population_size=2000, split_join=0, join_negatives=False, with_warnings=True): if not 0.0 <= p_err <= 1.0: raise ValueError(p_err) csizes = map(randround, np.random.gamma(galpha, gbeta, nclusters)) # make sure at least one cluster is generated num_pos = sum(csizes) if num_pos == 0: csizes.append(1) num_pos += 1 num_neg = max(0, population_size - num_pos) if with_warnings: if not 0.0 <= pos_ratio <= 1.0: raise ValueError(pos_ratio) expected_num_neg = num_pos * _div(1.0 - pos_ratio, pos_ratio) actual_neg_ratio = _div(num_neg - expected_num_neg, expected_num_neg) if abs(actual_neg_ratio) > 0.2: warnings.warn( "{:.1%} {} negatives than expected. Got: {} " "(expected: {}. Recommended population_size: {})" .format(abs(actual_neg_ratio), ("fewer" if actual_neg_ratio < 0.0 else "more"), num_neg, int(expected_num_neg), int(expected_num_neg + num_pos))) # set up probability distributions we will use null_dist = freqs2probas([num_neg] + csizes) error_dist = {False: 1.0 - p_err, True: p_err} # negative case first negatives = [] for _ in xrange(num_neg): class_label = sample_with_error(0, error_dist, null_dist) negatives.append([class_label]) # positive cases positives = [] for idx, csize in enumerate(csizes, start=1): if csize < 1: continue cluster = [] for _ in xrange(csize): class_label = sample_with_error(idx, error_dist, null_dist) cluster.append(class_label) positives.append(cluster) if split_join > 0: for _ in xrange(split_join): positives = split_clusters(positives) elif split_join < 0: for _ in xrange(-split_join): positives = join_clusters(positives) if join_negatives: for _ in xrange(-split_join): negatives = join_clusters(negatives) return relabel_negatives(positives + negatives)
[docs]def simulate_labeling(sample_size=2000, **kwargs): clusters = simulate_clustering(**kwargs) tuples = zip(*clusters_to_labels(clusters)) random.shuffle(tuples) tuples = tuples[:sample_size] ltrue, lpred = zip(*tuples) or ([], []) return ltrue, lpred
[docs]class Grid(object): def __init__(self, seed=None): if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) self.max_classes = None self.max_counts = None self.n = None self.size = None self.grid = None self.grid_type = None self.get_matrix = None self.show_record = None @classmethod
[docs] def with_sim_clusters(cls, n=1000, size=200, seed=None, **kwargs): obj = cls(seed=seed) obj.grid = obj.fill_sim_clusters(size=size, n=n, **kwargs) obj.grid_type = 'sim_clusters' obj.get_matrix = obj.matrix_from_labels obj.show_record = obj.show_cluster return obj
[docs] def with_clusters(cls, n=1000, size=200, max_classes=5, seed=None): obj = cls(seed=seed) obj.grid = obj.fill_clusters(max_classes=max_classes, size=size, n=n) obj.grid_type = 'clusters' obj.get_matrix = obj.matrix_from_labels obj.show_record = obj.show_cluster return obj
[docs] def with_matrices(cls, n=1000, max_counts=100, seed=None): obj = cls(seed=seed) obj.grid = obj.fill_matrices(max_counts=max_counts, n=n) obj.grid_type = 'matrices' obj.get_matrix = obj.matrix_from_matrices obj.show_record = obj.show_matrix return obj
[docs] def show_matrix(self, idx, inverse=False): grid = self.grid return grid[0][idx]
[docs] def show_cluster(self, idx, inverse=False): grid = self.grid a, b = (1, 0) if inverse else (0, 1) return labels_to_clusters(grid[a][idx], grid[b][idx])
[docs] def best_clustering_by_score(self, score, flip_sign=False): idx, val = self.find_highest(score, flip_sign) return {"idx": idx, "found": "%s = %.4f" % (score, val), "result": self.show_cluster(idx), "inverse": self.show_cluster(idx, inverse=True)}
[docs] def matrix_from_labels(*args): ltrue, lpred = args return ClusteringMetrics.from_labels(ltrue, lpred)
[docs] def matrix_from_matrices(*args): arr = args[0] return ConfusionMatrix2.from_ccw(*arr)
[docs] def iter_grid(self): return enumerate(izip(*self.grid))
iter_clusters = iter_grid
[docs] def iter_matrices(self): if self.grid_type in ['matrices']: for idx, tup in self.iter_grid(): yield idx, self.matrix_from_matrices(*tup) elif self.grid_type in ['clusters', 'sim_clusters']: for idx, labels in self.iter_grid(): yield idx, self.matrix_from_labels(*labels)
[docs] def describe_matrices(self): for idx, matrix in self.iter_matrices(): tup = tuple(get_conf(matrix).to_ccw()) max_idx = tup.index(max(tup)) if max_idx != 2: print idx, tup
[docs] def fill_clusters(self, n=None, size=None, max_classes=None): if n is None: n = self.n else: self.n = n if size is None: size = self.size else: self.size = size if max_classes is None: max_classes = self.max_classes else: self.max_classes = max_classes classes = np.random.randint( low=0, high=max_classes, size=(n, size)) clusters = np.random.randint( low=0, high=max_classes, size=(n, size)) return classes, clusters
[docs] def fill_sim_clusters(self, n=None, size=None, **kwargs): if n is None: n = self.n else: self.n = n if size is None: size = self.size else: self.size = size classes = np.empty((n, size), dtype=np.int64) clusters = np.empty((n, size), dtype=np.int64) for idx in xrange(n): ltrue, lpred = simulate_labeling(sample_size=size, **kwargs) classes[idx, :] = ltrue clusters[idx, :] = lpred return classes, clusters
[docs] def fill_matrices(self, max_counts=None, n=None): if max_counts is None: max_counts = self.max_counts else: self.max_counts = max_counts if n is None: n = self.n else: self.n = n matrices = np.random.randint( low=0, high=max_counts, size=(n, 4)) return (matrices,)
[docs] def find_highest(self, score, flip_sign=False): best_index = -1 if flip_sign: direction = 1 curr_score = float('inf') else: direction = -1 curr_score = float('-inf') for idx, conf in self.iter_matrices(): new_score = conf.get_score(score) if cmp(curr_score, new_score) == direction: best_index = idx curr_score = new_score return (best_index, curr_score)
[docs] def find_matching_matrix(self, matches): for idx, mx in self.iter_matrices(): mx = get_conf(mx) if matches(mx): return idx, mx
[docs] def compute(self, scores, show_progress=False, dtype=np.float16): result = defaultdict(partial(np.empty, (self.n,), dtype=dtype)) if not isiterable(scores): scores = [scores] for idx, conf in self.iter_matrices(): if show_progress: pct_done = 100 * idx / float(self.n) if pct_done % 5 == 0: sys.stderr.write("%d%% done\n" % pct_done) for score in scores: score_arr = conf.get_score(score) if isiterable(score_arr): for j, val in enumerate(score_arr): result["%s-%d" % (score, j)][idx] = val else: result[score][idx] = score_arr return result
[docs] def compare(self, others, scores, dtype=np.float16, plot=False): result0 = self.compute(scores, dtype=dtype) if not isiterable(others): others = [others] result_grid = [] for other in others: result1 = other.compute(scores, dtype=dtype) if plot: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from palettable import colorbrewer colors = colorbrewer.get_map('Set1', 'qualitative', 9).mpl_colors result_row = {} for score_name, scores0 in result0.iteritems(): scores1 = result1[score_name] auc_score = dist_auc(scores0, scores1) result_row[score_name] = auc_score if plot: scores0p = [x for x in scores0 if not np.isnan(x)] scores1p = [x for x in scores1 if not np.isnan(x)] hmin0, hmax0 = minmaxr(scores0p) hmin1, hmax1 = minmaxr(scores1p) bins = np.linspace(min(hmin0, hmin1), max(hmax0, hmax1), 50) plt.hist(scores0p, bins, alpha=0.5, label='0', color=colors[0], edgecolor="none") plt.hist(scores1p, bins, alpha=0.5, label='1', color=colors[1], edgecolor="none") plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.title("%s: AUC=%.4f" % (score_name, auc_score)) result_grid.append(result_row) return result_grid
[docs] def corrplot(self, compute_result, save_to, symmetric=False, **kwargs): items = compute_result.items() if not os.path.exists(save_to): os.mkdir(save_to) elif not os.path.isdir(save_to): raise IOError("save_to already exists and is a file") seen_pairs = set() for (lbl1, arr1), (lbl2, arr2) in product(items, items): if lbl1 == lbl2: continue elif (not symmetric) and (lbl2, lbl1) in seen_pairs: continue elif (not symmetric) and (lbl1, lbl2) in seen_pairs: continue figtitle = "%s vs. %s" % (lbl1, lbl2) filename = "%s_vs_%s.png" % (lbl1, lbl2) filepath = os.path.join(save_to, filename) if os.path.exists(filepath): warnings.warn("File exists: not overwriting %s" % filepath) seen_pairs.add((lbl1, lbl2)) seen_pairs.add((lbl2, lbl1)) continue self.plot([(arr1, arr2)], save_to=filepath, title=figtitle, xlabel=lbl1, ylabel=lbl2, **kwargs) seen_pairs.add((lbl1, lbl2)) seen_pairs.add((lbl2, lbl1))
[docs] def plot(pairs, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, dither=0.0002, marker='.', s=0.01, color='black', alpha=1.0, save_to=None, label=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, **kwargs): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() for (xs, ys), dither_, marker_, s_, color_, label_, alpha_ in \ izip_with_cycles(pairs, dither, marker, s, color, label, alpha): rho0 = scipy.stats.spearmanr(xs, ys)[0] rho1 = scipy.stats.spearmanr(ys, xs)[0] if not np.isclose(rho0, rho1): # should never happen raise RuntimeError("Error calculating Spearman's rho") ax.annotate('$\\rho=%.3f$' % rho0, (0.05, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction') if dither_ is not None: xs = np.random.normal(xs, dither_) ys = np.random.normal(ys, dither_) ax.scatter(xs, ys, marker=marker_, s=s_, color=color_, alpha=alpha_, label=label_, **kwargs) if label: legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left', markerscale=80, scatterpoints=1) for lbl in legend.get_texts(): lbl.set_fontsize('small') if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if save_to is None: else: fig.savefig(save_to) plt.close(fig)
if __name__ == "__main__": run(parse_args())