Source code for clustering_metrics.ranking



Assume that there is a data set of mostly unique samples where a hidden binary
variable is dependent on the number of similar samples that exist in the set
(i.e. a sample is called positive if it has many neighbors) and that our goal
is to label all samples in this set. Given sparse enough data, if a clustering
method relies on the same sample property on which the ground truth similarity
space is defined, it will naturally separate the samples into two groups --
those found in clusters and containing mostly positives, and those found
outside clusters and containing mostly negatives.  There would exist only one
possible perfect clustering---one with a single, entirely homogeneous cluster C
that covers all positives present in the data set. If we were to produce such a
clustering, we could correctly label all positive samples in one step with the
simple rule, *all positive samples belong to cluster C*. Under an imperfect
clustering, however, the presence of the given sample in a cluster of size two
or more implies the sample is only somewhat more likely to be positive, with
the confidence of the positive call monotonously increasing with the size of
the cluster.  In other words, our expectation from a good clustering is that it
will help us minimize the amount of work labeling samples.

This idea for this metric originated when mining for positive spam examples in
large data sets of short user-generated content.  Given large enough data sets,
spam content naturally forms clusters either because creative rewriting of
every single individual spam message is too expensive for spammers to employ,
or because, even if human or algorithmic rewriting is applied, one can still
find features that link individual spam messages to their creator or to the
product or service being promoted in the spam campaign. The finding was
consistent with what is reported in literature [104]_.


Given a clustering, we order the clusters from the largest one to the smallest
one. We then plot a cumulative step function where the width of the bin under a
given "step" is proportional to cluster size, and the height of the bin is
proportional to the expected number of positive samples seen so far [103]_. If a
sample is in a cluster of size one, we assume it is likely to be negative and
is therefore checked on an individual basis (the specific setting of cluster
size at which the expectation changes is our 'threshold' parameter. The result
of this assumption is that the expected contribution from unclustered
samples is equal to their actual contribution (we assume individual checking
always gives a correct answer). After two-way normalization, a perfect
clustering (i.e. where a single perfectly homogeneous cluster covers the entire
set of positives) will have the AUL score of 1.0. A failure to will result in
the AUL of 0.5. A perverse clustering, i.e. one where many negative samples fall
into clusters whose size is above our threshold, or where many positive samples
remain unclustered (fall into clusters of size below the threshold one) the AUL
somewhere between 0.0 and 0.5.

A special treatment is necessary for cases where clusters are tied by size. If
one were to treat tied clusters as a single group, one would obtain AUL of 1.0
when no clusters at all are present, which is against our desiderata.  On the
other hand, if one were to treat tied clusters entirely separately, one would
obtain different results depending on the properties of the sorting algorithm,
also an undesirable situation. Always placing "heavy" clusters (i.e. those
containing more positives) towards the beginning or towards the end of the tied
group will result in, respectively, overestimating or underestimating the true
AUL. The solution here is to average the positive counts among all clusters in a
tied group, and then walk through them one by one, with the stepwise cumulative
function asymptotically approaching a diagonal from the group's bottom left
corner to the top right one. This way, a complete absence of clustering (i.e.
all clusters are of size one) will always result in AUL of 0.5.

The resulting AUL measure has some similarity with the Gini coefficient of
inequality [105]_ except we plot the corresponding curve in the opposite
direction (from "richest" to "poorest"), and do not subtract 0.5 from the
resulting score.

.. [103] We take the expected number of positives and not the actual number seen
       so far as the vertical scale in order to penalize non-homogeneous
       clusters. Otherwise the y=1.0 ceiling would be reached early in the
       process even in very bad cases, for example when there is only one giant
       non-homogeneous cluster.


.. [104] `Whissell, J. S., & Clarke, C. L. (2011, September). Clustering for
         semi-supervised spam filtering. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual
         Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conference
         (pp. 125-134). ACM.

.. [105] `Wikipedia entry for Gini coefficient of inequality


import warnings
import numpy as np
from itertools import izip, chain
from operator import itemgetter
from pymaptools.iter import aggregate_tuples
from pymaptools.containers import labels_to_clusters
from clustering_metrics.skutils import auc, roc_curve

[docs]def num2bool(num): """True if zero or positive real, False otherwise When binarizing class labels, this lets us be consistent with Scikit-Learn where binary labels can be {0, 1} with 0 being negative or {-1, 1} with -1 being negative. """ return num > 0
[docs]class LiftCurve(object): """Lift Curve for cluster-size correlated classification """ def __init__(self, score_groups): self._score_groups = list(score_groups) @classmethod
[docs] def from_counts(cls, counts_true, counts_pred): """Instantiates class from arrays of true and predicted counts Parameters ---------- counts_true : array, shape = [n_clusters] Count of positives in cluster counts_pred : array, shape = [n_clusters] Predicted number of positives in each cluster """ # convert input to a series of tuples count_groups = izip(counts_pred, counts_true) # sort tuples by predicted count in descending order count_groups = sorted(count_groups, key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True) # group tuples by predicted count so as to handle ties correctly return cls(aggregate_tuples(count_groups))
[docs] def from_clusters(cls, clusters, is_class_pos=num2bool): """Instantiates class from clusters of class-coded points Parameters ---------- clusters : collections.Iterable List of lists of class labels is_class_pos: label_true -> Bool Boolean predicate used to binarize true (class) labels """ # take all non-empty clusters, score them by size and by number of # ground truth positives data = ((len(cluster), sum(is_class_pos(class_label) for class_label in cluster)) for cluster in clusters if cluster) scores_pred, scores_true = zip(*data) or ([], []) return cls.from_counts(scores_true, scores_pred)
[docs] def from_labels(cls, labels_true, labels_pred, is_class_pos=num2bool): """Instantiates class from arrays of classes and cluster sizes Parameters ---------- labels_true : array, shape = [n_samples] Class labels. If binary, 'is_class_pos' is optional labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] Cluster labels to evaluate is_class_pos: label_true -> Bool Boolean predicate used to binarize true (class) labels """ clusters = labels_to_clusters(labels_true, labels_pred) return cls.from_clusters(clusters, is_class_pos=is_class_pos)
[docs] def aul_score(self, threshold=1, plot=False): """Calculate AUL score Parameters ---------- threshold : int, optional (default=1) only predicted scores above this number considered accurate plot : bool, optional (default=False) whether to return X and Y data series for plotting """ total_any = 0 total_true = 0 assumed_vertical = 0 aul = 0.0 if plot: xs, ys = [], [] bin_height = 0.0 bin_right_edge = 0.0 # second pass: iterate over each group of predicted scores of the same # size and calculate the AUL metric for pred_score, true_scores in self._score_groups: # number of clusters num_true_scores = len(true_scores) # sum total of positives in all clusters of given size group_height = sum(true_scores) total_true += group_height # cluster size x number of clusters of given size group_width = pred_score * num_true_scores total_any += group_width if pred_score > threshold: # penalize non-homogeneous clusters simply by assuming that they # are homogeneous, in which case their expected vertical # contribution should be equal to their horizontal contribution. height_incr = group_width else: # clusters of size one are by definition homogeneous so their # expected vertical contribution equals sum total of any # remaining true positives. height_incr = group_height assumed_vertical += height_incr if plot: avg_true_score = group_height / float(num_true_scores) for _ in true_scores: bin_height += avg_true_score aul += bin_height * pred_score if plot: xs.append(bin_right_edge) bin_right_edge += pred_score xs.append(bin_right_edge) ys.append(bin_height) ys.append(bin_height) else: # if not tasked with generating plots, use a geometric method # instead of looping aul += (total_true * group_width - ((num_true_scores - 1) * pred_score * group_height) / 2.0) if total_true > total_any: warnings.warn( "Number of positives found (%d) exceeds total count of %d" % (total_true, total_any) ) rect_area = assumed_vertical * total_any # special case: since normalizing the AUL defines it as always smaller # than the bounding rectangle, when denominator in the expression below # is zero, the AUL score is also equal to zero. aul = 0.0 if rect_area == 0 else aul / rect_area if plot: xs = np.array(xs, dtype=float) / total_any ys = np.array(ys, dtype=float) / assumed_vertical return aul, xs, ys else: return aul
[docs] def plot(self, threshold=1, fill=True, marker=None, save_to=None): # pragma: no cover """Create a graphical representation of Lift Curve Requires Matplotlib Parameters ---------- threshold : int, optional (default=1) only predicted scores above this number considered accurate marker : str, optional (default=None) Whether to draw marker at each bend save_to : str, optional (default=None) If specified, save the plot to path instead of displaying """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt score, xs, ys = self.aul_score(threshold=threshold, plot=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xs, ys, marker=marker, linestyle='-') if fill: ax.fill([0.0] + list(xs) + [1.0], [0.0] + list(ys) + [0.0], 'b', alpha=0.2) ax.plot([0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], linestyle='--', color='grey') ax.plot([0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], linestyle='--', color='grey') ax.plot([1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], linestyle='--', color='grey') ax.set_xlim(xmin=0.0, xmax=1.03) ax.set_ylim(ymin=0.0, ymax=1.04) ax.set_xlabel("portion total") ax.set_ylabel("portion expected positive") ax.set_title("Lift Curve (AUL=%.3f)" % score) if save_to is None: else: fig.savefig(save_to) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def aul_score_from_clusters(clusters): """Calculate AUL score given clusters of class-coded points Parameters ---------- clusters : collections.Iterable List of clusters where each point is binary-coded according to true class. Returns ------- aul : float """ return LiftCurve.from_clusters(clusters).aul_score()
[docs]def aul_score_from_labels(y_true, labels_pred): """AUL score given array of classes and array of cluster sizes Parameters ---------- y_true : array, shape = [n_samples] True binary labels in range {0, 1} labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] Cluster labels to evaluate Returns ------- aul : float """ return LiftCurve.from_labels(y_true, labels_pred).aul_score()
[docs]class RocCurve(object): """Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) :: >>> c = RocCurve.from_labels([0, 0, 1, 1], ... [0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8]) >>> c.auc_score() 0.75 >>> c.max_informedness() 0.5 """ def __init__(self, fprs, tprs, thresholds=None, pos_label=None, sample_weight=None): self.fprs = fprs self.tprs = tprs self.thresholds = thresholds self.pos_label = pos_label self.sample_weight = sample_weight
[docs] def plot(self, fill=True, marker=None, save_to=None): # pragma: no cover """Plot the ROC curve """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt score = self.auc_score() xs, ys = self.fprs, self.tprs fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xs, ys, marker=marker, linestyle='-') if fill: ax.fill([0.0] + list(xs) + [1.0], [0.0] + list(ys) + [0.0], 'b', alpha=0.2) ax.plot([0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], linestyle='--', color='grey') ax.plot([0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], linestyle='--', color='grey') ax.plot([1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], linestyle='--', color='grey') ax.set_xlim(xmin=0.0, xmax=1.03) ax.set_ylim(ymin=0.0, ymax=1.04) ax.set_ylabel('TPR') ax.set_xlabel('FPR') ax.set_title("ROC Curve (AUC=%.3f)" % score) if save_to is None: else: fig.savefig(save_to) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def from_scores(cls, scores_neg, scores_pos): """Instantiate given scores of two ground truth classes The score arrays don't have to be the same length. """ scores_pos = ((1, x) for x in scores_pos if not np.isnan(x)) scores_neg = ((0, x) for x in scores_neg if not np.isnan(x)) all_scores = zip(*chain(scores_neg, scores_pos)) or ([], []) return cls.from_labels(*all_scores)
[docs] def from_labels(cls, labels_true, y_score, is_class_pos=num2bool): """Instantiate assuming binary labeling of {0, 1} labels_true : array, shape = [n_samples] Class labels. If binary, 'is_class_pos' is optional y_score : array, shape = [n_samples] Predicted scores is_class_pos: label_true -> Bool Boolean predicate used to binarize true (class) labels """ # num2bool Y labels y_true = map(is_class_pos, labels_true) # calculate axes fprs, tprs, thresholds = roc_curve( y_true, y_score, pos_label=True) return cls(fprs, tprs, thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def from_clusters(cls, clusters, is_class_pos=num2bool): """Instantiates class from clusters of class-coded points Parameters ---------- clusters : collections.Iterable List of lists of class labels is_class_pos: label_true -> Bool Boolean predicate used to binarize true (class) labels """ y_true = [] y_score = [] for cluster in clusters: pred_cluster = len(cluster) for point in cluster: true_cluster = is_class_pos(point) y_true.append(true_cluster) y_score.append(pred_cluster) return cls.from_labels(y_true, y_score)
[docs] def auc_score(self): """Replacement for Scikit-Learn's method If number of Y classes is other than two, a warning will be triggered but no exception thrown (the return value will be a NaN). Also, we don't reorder arrays during ROC calculation since they are assumed to be in order. """ return auc(self.fprs, self.tprs, reorder=False)
[docs] def optimal_cutoff(self, scoring_method): """Optimal cutoff point on ROC curve under scoring method The scoring method must take two arguments: fpr and tpr. """ max_index = np.NINF opt_pair = (np.nan, np.nan) for pair in izip(self.fprs, self.tprs): index = scoring_method(*pair) if index > max_index: opt_pair = pair max_index = index return opt_pair, max_index
@staticmethod def _informedness(fpr, tpr): return tpr - fpr
[docs] def max_informedness(self): """Maximum value of Informedness (TPR minus FPR) on a ROC curve A diagram of what this measure looks like is shown in [101]_. Note a correspondence between the definitions of this measure and that of Kolmogorov-Smirnov's supremum statistic. References ---------- .. [101] `Wikipedia entry for Youden's J statistic <>`_ """ return self.optimal_cutoff(self._informedness)[1]
[docs]def roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score, sample_weight=None): """AUC score for a ROC curve Replaces Scikit Learn implementation (given binary ``y_true``). """ return RocCurve.from_labels(y_true, y_score).auc_score()
[docs]def dist_auc(scores0, scores1): """AUC score for two distributions, with NaN correction Note: arithmetic mean appears to be appropriate here, as other means don't result in total of 1.0 when sides are switched. """ scores0_len = len(scores0) scores1_len = len(scores1) scores0p = [x for x in scores0 if not np.isnan(x)] scores1p = [x for x in scores1 if not np.isnan(x)] scores0n_len = scores0_len - len(scores0p) scores1n_len = scores1_len - len(scores1p) # ``nan_pairs`` are pairs for which it is impossible to define order, due # to at least one of the members of each being a NaN. ``def_pairs`` are # pairs for which order can be established. all_pairs = 2 * scores0_len * scores1_len nan_pairs = scores0n_len * scores1_len + scores1n_len * scores0_len def_pairs = all_pairs - nan_pairs # the final score is the average of the score for the defined portion and # of random-chance AUC (0.5), weighted according to the number of pairs in # each group. auc_score = RocCurve.from_scores(scores0p, scores1p).auc_score() return np.average([auc_score, 0.5], weights=[def_pairs, nan_pairs])